New Government Report Identifies the Barriers to Climate Action

The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications

A report by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications has identified barriers preventing people from taking climate action. The report found that although Irish people have a high awareness of climate issues, they lack urgency surrounding climate action and the individual impact of climate change.  

The report draws on extensive conversations with citizens, stakeholders, educational establishments, state agencies and more. It also provides a comprehensive understanding of the challenges in transitioning to a low carbon society. The report noted the importance of a just transition across all sectors to ensure an equitable and inclusive response to climate change.  

The report also outlines plans that most people intend to undertake to do their part in overall climate action such as switching to electric vehicles, retrofitting houses and investing in solar panels. However, the report found that many people are deterred from taking these actions due to costs and range of EV’s, payback on solar panels and not knowing where to start in their retrofitting journey.  

It also highlights habits that people have that are stopping them from taking climate action for example, struggling with the idea of flying less, many activities are Dublin centric, not willing/ able to live a car free lifestyle and many men have also expressed that they would not be willing to eat less meat to reduce emissions.  

The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eammon Ryan welcomed the report saying: 

This report highlights the crucial role people and communities are already playing in driving climate action. There are green shoots throughout the country. You only have to travel around the country to see the number of solar panels going up on roofs every week to see that people will enthusiastically adopt to new greener ways, particularly if they see the benefit for them and their community. 

“It also gives us a clear insight into what we have to do to connect with people in a better way, to bring people with us as we make this transition to warmer homes, better communities, green jobs and agriculture. If there’s one really salient issue from this report it’s that every aspect of climate action must be viewed through a just transition lens. If we don’t have a fair transition, it won’t be fast, and if we don’t have a fast transition it won’t be fair for anyone.” 



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