Irish Water completes upgrade work to safeguard water supplies for Dualla and surrounding areas

Irish Water, in partnership with Tipperary County Council, has completed upgrade works at the Dualla Water Supply and has begun to reintroduce water from this source to the local network.

This will ensure a more reliable and secure supply for the Dualla area and environs. It will also safeguard water supplies for customers in Boscobell, Killistafford, Killenaule, Arbourhill, Newtown, Garrenmore, Garrane, Moyglass, Ballinure and other areas at higher elevations locally which have been impacted in recent months by the diversion of flows to serve Dualla.

Irish Water completes upgrade work to safeguard water supplies for Dualla and surrounding areasDuane O’Brien, Irish Water’s Operations Lead for Tipperary, explained: “We are pleased to confirm the completion of this upgrade which will safeguard the water supply for Dualla and the wider area. While this new supply is being introduced, there may be some temporary disruption as adjustments are made in the network to facilitate these changes. Some customers may also notice slight changes in the taste and hardness of their drinking water due to the natural characteristics of the groundwater supply from Dualla. This is normal and the water remains safe to drink.

“We are confident that the reintroduction of the Dualla supply will bring significant long-term improvement to water supply in the area. We would like to acknowledge the patience and support of the local community while these upgrade works have been taking place.”

Should customers have any queries they should contact Irish Water directly on our customer care helpline, open 24/7, on 1850 278 278. Updates will be available on the Water Supply Updates section of the Irish Water website and via Twitter @IWCare.

Irish Water is working at this time, with our local authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard that the health and well-being of staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of drinking water and wastewater services.

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