Tipperary GAA Scene 16th March 2020

PRO Joe Bracken


As we come to terms with daily updates in relation to the current global pandemic of Covid-19, commonly known as coronavirus, it is at times like this we unite as a global parish, by looking out for each other, to ensure the continued health and wellbeing of all our communities. Tipperary Co. Board appeals to its clubs and members to remain vigilant and to follow all the HSE and Government guidelines in relation to the virus so that we can get our daily lives back to normal as soon as possible. March 29th is the earliest date for now, though no one knows for sure if that will be extended and if so, how long that may be.

Hurling, Gaelic football and camogie activity will survive and resume and clubs will gear back into action at some stage in the future, that is a certainty. However, the most important thing we can do now, is to try and ensure that all our people will survive as well and to again be part of the thrill and savour the action of our national games.

The GAA since its foundation has prided itself on parish and community, so together let’s ensure we also look out for the elderly and those in need in our communities. Many of our clubs have fantastic and innovative measures in place already and this must be highly praised. With such measures in place we need to keep our guard up to ensure the peril of complacency doesn’t set in.

We are responsible for our own actions, for me, the simplest way of putting it right now, ‘is what I do, where I want to be, or where I want to go?’ Please stay healthy and look out for each other, in this, the greatest health challenge we have ever experienced.

The following is from the Communications Dept. in Croke Park.

We are all hugely proud of the significant role that the GAA plays in Irish society and the positive impact made at Club, school and County level through our promotion of our native games.

However, with that role comes responsibility and never has this been more evident than in recent days, and the decision taken to suspend all GAA activity, matches and training at Club, school and County level across all grades and codes until March 29 inclusive.

Uachtarán CLG John Horan and Ard Stiúrthóir Tom Ryan spell out the GAA’s position and our request to all of our members to do the right thing and to play our part.

Uachtarán CLG, John Horan, talks to GAA.ie. – YouTube and encourages the Association’s members to rally around the most vulnerable in their communities in response to the Covid 19 pandemic


Ard Stiúrthóir CLG, Tom Ryan, also talks to GAA.ie – YouTube and discusses the Association’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.



The Tipperary Senior Hurling team were on a warm weather training camp in south-eastern Spain from Monday 9th March to Friday 13th March. The travelling party stayed in private accommodation where there were no other residents and remained in this private location for the duration of their stay. They followed HSE and WHO advice in relation to protection against Covid-19 at all times while travelling and while on the training camp. On their return on Friday night, they were advised by representatives of the HSE at Shannon Airport that they should restrict their movements for the next two weeks which includes not going to work and reducing social interactions. All members of the travelling party are complying fully with these requirements.


Tipperary’s round 6 fixture against Offaly in the Allianz Football League like all games did not go-ahead last weekend either. We await details of all re-fixtures when the current crisis abates.


The final draw in the 2019/20 scheme is now over so it’s time to prepare for the new draw scheduled to commence on May 8th, 2020.

At this stage the Draw Committee are asking clubs to clear all balances in the current draw so please check with your club draw co-ordinator and make arrangements to make the final payment asap. Bonus cheques will be paid out once the account is cleared.

Have you confirmed that your current draw co-ordinator is continuing in that role and if not have you appointed a replacement? Once you have confirmed your co-ordinator please draw up plans to maximise draw sales in your club over the coming two months.

Personalised Brochures:

The structure of the brochure produced last year was designed for two years so there will be minimal changes but naturally your own personalized section will change.

Personalized brochures can be used for one or more of the following reasons: –

  • To promote a major club development
  • To highlight the winning of a championship(s)
  • To highlight major prize-winners in the Draw
  • To create awareness in your parish of club officers, committee, team mentors, activities and facilities.

If your club is interested, you can start sending information now. Send your info directly to tippdraw.tipperary@gaa.ie

If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to contact our Acting Co Draw Co-Ordinator Maggie Fahey at tippdraw.tipperary@gaa.ie

The committee are looking forward to your co-operation with another successful Tipperary Clubs Draw for 2020/21.


Congratulations to Clonmel High School on winning the County U19 Senior Football Final following their victory over Abbey CBS last week.


In line with Government and HSE advice the Officer IT course due to take place in LIT Thurles this Thursday has been postponed until further notice.


The Tipperary Association Dublin has announced, that following Government guidelines issued on the 12 March 2020 in respect of the Covid-19 virus epidemic, that the Annual Awards Function due to be held in Dublin on the 27 March next has been postponed.

The Annual Tipperary Person of the Year and the Hall of Fame Awards for 2019 were to be presented at the function, which was to be held in the Louis Fitzgerald Hotel, Newlands Cross, Dublin.

The Association apologises for any disappointment or inconvenience caused by the postponement. The event will be rescheduled.

The President of the Association, Liam Myles, stated that “this decision is based on the advice and guidelines issued with regard to functions of this type in the current situation and that it is in the best interest of human health to comply with these”.


Also, due to the current public health crisis, the organising Committee for ‘An Dúshlán’ have decided to postpone this event due to take place on Friday March 27th and Saturday March 28th, at the Brú Ború Cultural Centre in Cashel until a later date.

Arrangements are in place to refund tickets that have already been purchased. Details of rescheduled times will be notified in due course and the committee regret any inconvenience caused by the postponement of the event.



Tipperary GAA Scene

Centenary All Ireland Final programme 1984

Centenary All Ireland Final Old Stand Ticket Stub

In the Tipperary Co. Hurling Final programme of 1980, the Co. Board Chairman, the late Michael Maher, in his welcome notes, paid tribute to those responsible for a transformed Semple Stadium, “but above all to an energetic, competent and efficient leader, Fr. Pierce Duggan, CC.”

A local curate at the time, Pierce Duggan, became an icon of Semple Stadium as he oversaw the Stadium renovation project, bringing the dreams of the Co. Board and the development committee to reality.

At a time when leadership was required, Pierce was the driving force which enabled the famous venue to successfully host the Centenary All-Ireland Hurling Final.

On behalf of all Tipperary supporters, Tipperary Co. Board extends sympathy to Pierce’s wife Joan, sons Philip and John, his brothers and sisters, relatives and friends on his sad and untimely passing.

Ar dheis Dé go raimh a anam.




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