Tusla to host first ever Open Day to recruit social workers on June 14th

Starting salaries of over €40,000 on offer to professionally qualified social workers

Tusla-Child and Family Agency is to host its first ever national recruitment open day, to hire additional social work staff, on Friday, June 14th.

The organisation currently has opportunities for graduate and experienced social workers, and the open day initiative is being undertaken to increase the number of social workers at the agency.

Linda Creamer, Tusla Service Director, said: “The current recruitment market for social workers is very competitive. Tusla require extra social workers to help children and families in need all over Ireland. We aim to be the employer of choice for social workers, and offer very attractive packages for professionally qualified social workers who are employed by us. This includes a salary scale package of €40,619-€59,053, 29 days paid holidays annually, and permanent contracts of employment in a family-friendly environment.

“Currently, in Ireland, 215 social workers are trained through the four universities of UCD, Trinity College Dublin, UCC and NUI Galway. In 2018, Tusla recruited 140 new social workers which is 65pc of this graduate cohort, and recruited in excess of 200 social work promotional posts. We compete with the HSE, as well as the voluntary and private sectors, for social workers.

Ms Creamer continued: “The number of referrals to Tusla has increased by 31pc since 2014 from 43,630 to 57,000 in 2018.  Latest figures(April 2019) show that the Tusla social work grade headcount is 1,642, and in addition, there are 181 agency social work grades working with Tusla. Tusla needs to recruit 130 additional Social Workers each year in order to maintain current levels due to retirements and those moving to other employment elsewhere.

“Our open day provides us with an opportunity to boost the numbers of professionally qualified social worker staff at Tusla, and for prospective candidates to see the wide range of benefits on offer to those who join our team.”

In Tusla, the majority of social workers are employed in child protection and welfare roles in addition to children-in-care cases.  Tusla’s social worker recruitment open day takes place in Tusla’s head office in Dublin, which is located off St John’s Road west in Kilmainham. Interested participants can visit Tusla.ie to find more details, and to register for the event.


About Tusla
Tusla-Child and Family Agency is five and a half years old, and was established on the 1st January 2014. It is the dedicated State agency responsible for improving wellbeing and outcomes for children and families. There is approximately 4,400 staff working in the agency, which has an operational budget of €786 million.

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