‘Ask WIT’ initiative to help with confirmation time for college hopefuls

CAO queries welcome online, via WhatsApp, and for those who prefer to talk to someone, there’s a phone helpline, drop-in centre and campus tours options on offer from WIT

A dedicated team has been put in place at Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) to help college hopefuls confirm their CAO choices.

'Ask WIT' initiative to help with confirmation time for college hopefuls

02/10/2018, Waterford IT (Picture by: Lafayette Photography)

The CAO ‘Change of Mind’ deadline is 5.15pm on 1 July, with CAO Round 1 offers taking place in mid-August.

‘Ask WIT’ is an initiative that is part of WIT’s right student, right choice ethos which sees the college go to great lengths to help applicants make sure they’re making the right choices. This includes school visits, online resources, Try events, and open events.

John Power, Outreach Officer at WIT says that parents and applicants have a number of ways to ask their CAO-related questions.

“WIT helps students make the right decisions and gives support to parents in a number of ways. From June 24 WIT runs Ask WIT events which consist of live online Q&As, a drop-in centre, and phone/text support,” he says.

The fast-approaching deadline of 5.15pm on 1 July can be a worry for some, however, more and more Leaving Cert students are making up their mind in advance of their exams.

“The key for people now, is to make sure they have their choices in their genuine order of preference, and to ensure the campus and city they could end up studying in is for them. We understand it helps to talk, and people are welcome to get in touch with any CAO-related query they may have,” Power adds.

Questions people have may be whether to put a common entry course or direct entry course first, what supports they can get as a sportsperson, what student life is really like.

Ask WIT CAO supports

Online chat is available weekdays 9.30am-5pm up to 1 July

The CAO Change of Mind Helpline on 051 834176 / 834177 (9.30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday) up to 1 July.

WIT’s WhatsApp support runs from 24 June to 1 July. Prospective students and their parents can text message any questions or queries they have to 0873771770. The team will respond during office hours.

The drop-in centre on WIT’s main campus will run daily from 10am-3pm daily from 24 June to 1 July (excluding Sunday, 30 June 2019).

One-hour campus tours can be booked weekdays or join a dedicated CAO Friday campus tour throughout June.

The WIT CAO Hub at www.wit.ie/cao provides a wealth of information on all our CAO courses, student life, the CAO process, work placements, sports and much more.

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