What Do You Want Your Community To Look Like In 10 Years? Community Well Being Vision Being Developed In Cashel /Tipperary Municipal District
Posted by newsdesk1 on May 21, 2019 · Leave a Comment
Let’s develop our vision for community wellbeing for the Cashel/ Tipperary Municipal District.
Date: Wednesday, 29th May, 2019
Location: Kilfeacle Community Tennis Club E34 YP98
Time: 18:30- 21:00 – Registration from 18:00
Refreshments on arrival
Community Well being Vision being developed in Cashel /Tipperary Municipal District, County Tipperary
Tipperary PPN (Public Participation Network) are delighted to be rolling out a new National Initiative on Community wellbeing. The PPN is bringing together social inclusion, environment and community development voices in our communities to develop a Wellbeing Vision Statement that sets out their shared vision for County Tipperary.
What do we need for the well being of the community of Cashel/Tipperary?
That is the question being posed by Tipperary PPN, and we want to hear from all the groups and organisations in this area.
Feed into this important vision for your area by starting a conversation and attending a public meeting on the 29th May 2019 in Kilfeacle Community Centre, Kilfeacle.
Developing a Vision for Community wellbeing means thinking about what we have and what we need to help Cashel/Tipperary municipal district to be as great as it can be for us and for the many generations that follow on from ours.
All the information gathered on the night will be brought together and be used to influence policy and guide the work of the PPN and its representatives in influencing policy, and working towards achieving the community’s goals.
What is Community Wellbeing?
Wellbeing is an increasingly common term that can describe wider conditions than good physical and mental health, which we need as individual and communities to have a better quality of life, a healthier environment and increased prosperity. Some of these are things that we can easily measure, like the number of pre-school places, or the speed with which an ambulance can get to a sick person. Others are less easily measured, such as our pride of place, our heritage and the way in which we all look after each other. All aspects of wellbeing are connected to each other. So, for example, if our natural environment is poor, it will affect our mental and physical health as well as our economy. In other words, all the parts of our community wellbeing are interconnected.
On the night Tipperary PPN will look at community wellbeing under the six headings.
- Social and community development
- Environment and sustainability
- Economy and resources
- Health (physical & mental)
- Values, culture and meaning
- Participation, democracy and good governance
By using these 6 headings across all the country, we can see whether we in Tipperary have the same concerns and causes for celebration as others.
Further information on the wellbeing vision been rolled out around the country can be found on www.communitywellbeing.ie
Filed under community, Events, News · Tagged with Community Wellbeing Vision, PPN, Tipperary Public Participation Network