Upcoming events at Nenagh Arts Centre
“Nenagh Camera Club” formerly known as Esker Camera Club is an energetic local club catering to amateur photographers and camera enthusiasts in and around Nenagh for many years.
The club has being going from strength to strength in recent years and has a growing membership spanning all ages and abilities. The ethos of the Nenagh Camera Club has always been to encourage photography enthusiasts of all ages and abilities to learn new skills and enjoy their hobby.Exhibition opening at 6pm-7pm on Friday 15th March, all are welcome. The exhibition will be continuing until Tuesday 30th April at Nenagh Arts Centre, viewing anytime, during regular opening times at the Arts Centre.
Easter Camp – Tuesday 16th – Thursday 18th April, 11am – 1pm, Tickets: €50.00 per child. To book call into Box Office.
Suitable for 7-12 year olds, it’s running from Tuesday 16th – Thursday 18th April and will include Arts, Crafts, Games & more.
Contact the Box Office TODAY on 067 34400 to book your place.
The Mental – Saturday 27th April, 8pm, Tickets: €16.00 / €14.00 (Group Rates Available for 8 or more – Contact the Box Office for details)
Having premiered at VISUAL in Carlow in September 2018, The Mental toured theatres in the south east to a universally positive response, John MacKenna’s new play will tour again in April and May of 2019, coming to Nenagh Arts Centre on Saturday April 27th.
Described as: “A superb night’s entertainment… a wonderful piece of writing and a great performance. Beautiful and without any sentimentality but true human emotion” and as “Beautiful, gentle, hilarious yet heart-breaking,” The Mental is a play not to be missed.
Set in a psychiatric hospital in 1990, at a time when patients were being rehoused in community houses, The Mental is a warm, beautiful, often funny and sometimes heart-breaking story of a man who spent four decades in care for doing a good deed.
Written and performed by John MacKenna, widely known as a writer; actor; contributor to Sunday Miscellany on RTE and maker of documentaries; directed by Angela Keogh, music by Katie Jacques and lit by Tom Kennedy, The Mental has met with powerfully empathetic responses from audiences on its first tour.
Nenagh Youth Theatre presents DNA – Saturday 4th May, 3pm & 5.30pm, Tickets: €7.00 / Family / Group of 4 €20.00
Everyone feels guilty but who is to blame… A group of teenagers try worm their way out of a nasty act. Scared, terrified, lonely and confused – they put their trust in the silent by-stander. Was it a mistake…come and see these local actors unfold this terrifying story at Nenagh Arts Centre, 4th May 2019.
Suitable for ages 13+ due to strong language.
Ticket Link: https://www.nenagharts.com/
Amadán 2019 – A Festival of Clowning – Friday 10th – Sunday 12th May, Admission: €75.00
We aim to promote the art of clowning, through performance, education and networking. Bringing together performers from all genre’s of clown, from all parts of the world. Uniting them through play and humanity, celebrating the long history of clowning, but also striving to be relevant and contemporary forging a true complicity with todays audience.
At Amadan 2019 Jef Johnson and Iman Lizarzu will be performing their full length solo clown shows “Open Space” and “Basquette Quese”. Masterclasses will also be presented by Jef Johnson, Iman Lizarazu and Simon Thompson. Along with the performances and masterclasses we will also be promoting the work of the festival participants in a Family Cabaret Show that is open to the public.
A participants wristband is now available to purchase and this gives you free access to all performances, masterclasses and an option to perform at the Family cabaret show.
Please note there is a limited number of wristbands available
Ticket Link: https://www.nenagharts.com/
For more information about any of our events check out our website