March New Car Registrations and Government Revenues Down

Official statistics released today by the Society of the Irish Motor Industry (SIMI) show that total new car registrations for the month of March are down 5.6% (16,738) when compared with March 2018 (17,726). New car registrations year to date are down 10.7% (64,098) on the same period last year (71,760).

The new Commercial Vehicle sector shows a similar picture, with new Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) registrations down 2.2% (3,067) on March 2018 (3,137), and year to date are down 10.7% (11,182). While New Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HGV) saw a slight decline of 1.5% (267) in comparison to March 2018 (271) and year to date down 3.3% (886).

Imported Used Cars on the other hand increased by 9.98% (8,970) on March 2018 (8,156) and year to date are 2.74% (26,832) ahead of 2018 (26,117).

New electric vehicle registrations continue to grow with a total of 1,437 EV cars registered so far this year, this has surpassed the total number of EVs registered for the whole of 2018 (1,233).

Commenting on the registrations Brian Cooke, SIMI Director General Designate said
“While new car sales are being dampened by Brexit uncertainty, the increase in VRT on new cars for 2019, arising from the fact that no allowance was made for the first step in the move to the new WLTP emissions testing regime, has also had a negative impact.  Ireland is the only country in the EU that has sought to charge consumers higher registration taxes due to the improved emissions testing regime. While the VRT increases in this first phase of the transition to the WLTP test figures only saw an average increase of 5% in the CO2 values, the second phase next year will see these increasing by a further 21%. All other Member States have followed the EU Commission view that consumers should not be faced with increased taxation due to the improved emissions testing regime. SIMI had warned that not adjusting for such large increases in CO2 values will burden the consumer, damage new car sales and will actually reduce State revenues. This has been the case as the decrease in new cars sales in Q1 has meant that the State’s tax revenues from new cars have fallen by more than €60 million so far this year, and this shortfall is only going to increase as the year progresses.

While current low volumes in the new car market have largely resulted from lower used car values for consumers’ trade-ins due to the huge volume of used car imports from the UK due to the Brexit-driven Sterling exchange rate.  To add a tax increase that only applies to new cars, in such circumstances can only lead to the current result. We urge the Government to take account of the impact of increasing taxes, not just on new car sales but also on employment in the Motor Industry across the country, and on the environment when recasting VRT and other motor related taxes in 2020. There is one positive within the new car market, electric car registrations have now surpassed the total number of electric cars registered for the whole of 2018 and we would expect to see this sector continue to grow.” 

191 March New Vehicle Stats
• New car sales total year to date (2019) 64,098 v (2018) 77,760 -10.7%
• New Car sales total March (2019) 16,738 v (2018)17,726 -5.6%
• Light Commercial Vehicles sales year to date (2019) 11,182 v (2018) 12,524 -10.7%
• Light Commercial Vehicles sales total March (2019) 3,067 v (2018) 3,137 -2.2%
• Heavy Goods Vehicle total sales year to date (2019) 886 v (2018) 916 -3.3%
• Heavy Goods Vehicle total sales March (2019) 267 v (2018) 271 -1.5%
• Used Car Imports total year to date (2019) 26,832 v (2018) 26,117 +2.74%
• Used Car Imports total March (2019) 8,970 v (2018) 8,156 +9.98%
• New Electric Vehicles sales total year to date (2019) 1,437 v (2018) 282* +409.6%

  *(EV registrations to March 2018 (282), EV registrations to Dec 2018 (1,233))
• New Electric Vehicles sales total March (2019) 313 v (2018) 106 +195.3%
• 5 Top Selling Car Brands year to date are: 1. Volkswagen 2. Hyundai 3. Toyota, 4. Ford 5. Skoda
• 5 Top car model’s year to date 1. Hyundai Tucson, 2. Nissan Qashqai 3. Skoda Octavia 4. Volkswagen Tiguan 5. Ford Focus
• Top Selling Car March 2019: Toyota Corolla
• Table below shows new car registrations by county year to date (January-March 2019)

New Car Registrations by county year to date (January-March 2019)
County 2019 Units 2018 Units % Change 2019 % Share 2018 % Share
Carlow 737 946 -22.09 1.15 1.32
Cavan 728 778 -6.43 1.14 1.08
Clare 1353 1634 -17.2 2.11 2.28
Cork 8371 9053 -7.53 13.06 12.62
Donegal 1388 1531 -9.34 2.17 2.13
Dublin 25650 28083 -8.66 40.02 39.13
Galway 2481 2778 -10.69 3.87 3.87
Kerry 1353 1606 -15.75 2.11 2.24
Kildare 2518 3122 -19.35 3.93 4.35
Kilkenny 1236 1442 -14.29 1.93 2.01
Laois 792 886 -10.61 1.24 1.23
Leitrim 226 295 -23.39 0.35 0.41
Limerick 2324 2642 -12.04 3.63 3.68
Longford 294 364 -19.23 0.46 0.51
Louth 1549 1649 -6.06 2.42 2.3
Mayo 1182 1291 -8.44 1.84 1.8
Meath 1899 2232 -14.92 2.96 3.11
Monaghan 509 586 -13.14 0.79 0.82
Offaly 727 936 -22.33 1.13 1.3
Roscommon 570 657 -13.24 0.89 0.92
Sligo 620 669 -7.32 0.97 0.93
Tipperary 1828 2092 -12.62 2.85 2.92
Waterford 1855 1974 -6.03 2.89 2.75
Westmeath 885 1014 -12.72 1.38 1.41
Wexford 1652 1891 -12.64 2.58 2.64
Wicklow 1371 1609 -14.79 2.14 2.24

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