Do Not Consume Notice remains in place for the Dualla Public Water Supply as work continues to restore a normal water supply

A Do Not Drink notice which was issued for the Dualla Public Water Supply last week remains in place until further notice.

Irish Water drinking water compliance and operational experts are working with colleagues in Tipperary County Council to resolve this situation as soon as possible.

Do Not Consume Notice remains in place for the Dualla Public Water Supply as work continues to restore a normal water supply

The water being supplied in the Dualla area can be used for washing but not for consumption

The Do Not Drink Notice was put in place as a precautionary measure following an increase in turbidity in the raw water source for the Dualla Public Water Supply.

The borehole which supplies the water has been brought back in production in order to supply water to homes and businesses in the area. However, this water is only suitable for sanitation (showers, toilets etc) and not for consumption.

We are carrying out water sampling throughout the affected area and we will share the results of this testing with the HSE with a view to lifting this restriction as soon as it is safe to do so.

In the meantime, the water should NOT be used for:

  • Drinking
  • Preparing Drinks made with water
  • Preparation of salads and similar foods, which are not cooked prior to eating
  • Brushing of teeth and/or gargling
  • Making of ice. However, ensure you first discard all existing ice cubes in fridges and freezers and filtered water in fridges
  • In particular pregnant women should not drink this water

A water tanker will be available at Dualla church for as long as the Do Not Consume notice remains in place. Alternative water supplies are also being provided to the local school and pre-school facility. If elderly or vulnerable customers have particular requirements for water they can contact 1850 278 278.

Duane O’Brien, Irish Water Operations Lead for Tipperary said: “We would like to assure our customers that we are doing everything possible to restore a normal water supply as quickly as possible, once it is safe to do so. We acknowledge that this is causing inconvenience for people living in the area and would like thank them for their patience and support as we work to resolve this issue.”

Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness of water. Certain water supplies can be prone to increased levels of turbidity after heavy rain, or because algae has grown in the water source or because material such as sediment in the water mains has been disrupted.

Additional information and advice is available at Water Supply Updates or by calling Irish Water’s 24-hour customer care line at 1850 278 278.

Further information

You can use your water for the following:

Flushing of toilets

Watering plants and flowers

The water can be used for personal hygiene, bathing, flushing toilets, laundry and washing of utensils, however, if you are experiencing skin irritation you may wish to avoid using water for:

showering or bathing

Washing clothes.

3: Caution:

Domestic water filters will not render water safe to drink

Caution should be taken when bathing children to ensure that they do not swallow the bathing water

Discard ice cubes in fridges and freezers and filtered water in fridges. Make ice from cooled boiled water

4: Use only an alternative source of water for the following situations.

When preparing foods that will not be cooked (e.g. washing and preparing salads)

Preparing Infant Formula. This water should not be used for making up infant formula for bottled fed infants. An alternative source of water should be used. Bottled water can also be used to make up infant formula. All bottled water, with the exception of natural mineral water, is regulated to the same standard as drinking water. It is best not to use bottled water labelled as ‘Natural Mineral Water’ as it can have high levels of sodium (salt) and other minerals, although it rarely does. ‘Natural Mineral Water’ can be used if no other water is available, for as short a time as possible, as it is important to keep babies hydrated. If bottled water is used to make up infant formula it should be boiled once (rolling boil for 1 minute), and cooled in the normal way.


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