JobPath Dead End Needs to Be Put To an End – McCormack

Last week the Dáil voted to back Sinn Féin’s motion to end referrals to the JobPath scheme.

Speaking on the result, Sinn Féin general election candidate, Ciara McCormack, stated that the scheme brought little dividend to Tipperary and needs to be scrapped.

“As a labour activation scheme, JobPath has been a total failure.

“Initially introduced by a Labour party minister, Fine Gael have been happy to use the scheme as a PR machine to massage unemployment figures, but its utility beyond that has been minimal, and more often than not, deeply negative.

“The two private companies contracted by the state for this scheme – Turas Nua and Seetec – have received up to €75.7 million and €73.3 million each respectively since the initiation of JobPath.

“They receive payments when those who have taken part in the scheme gains employment.

“However, only 9% of those who attained employment held their job for more than 12 months

“What’s more, these private firms developed a notorious reputation for coercing and intimidating job-seeking citizens.

“Evidently, JobPath is not up to the task. This vote is very much to be welcomed.”

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