Tipperary County Council tops the list of Local Authorities leading the way with energy reductions
Tipperary County Council has taken top position among local authorities in the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland’s Annual Report on Public Sector Energy Efficiency Performance. In 2017, the council achieved a 46% reduction in energy use.
The announcement comes after members of the Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action visited Tipperary in late November to see first-hand examples of the energy transition in action.

Joe MacGrath, Chief Executive of Tipperary County Council stands in front of 180 solar photovoltaic panels on the Civic Offices in Nenagh. This installation has contributed to Ireland’s largest ever photovoltaic project, comprising of almost 800 solar panels on 9 public buildings. As a result of this project, Ireland’s total PV capacity has increased by 44%.
Tipperary County Council in collaboration with Tipperary Energy Agency has striven to lead by example in energy efficiency measures across all buildings and functions. Nenagh Leisure centre is one such example. The centre is home to the town’s municipal pool, sauna and gym and Ireland’s most energy efficient leisure facility, producing €7,500 of its own solar electricity annually and using €50,000 of local biomass for all of its heat.
The Council is a signatory to the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, has a dedicated climate action team which was established in 2008 to spearhead the Council’s energy transition programme and has championed the ‘Sustainable Tipp’ initiative to engage with and support the wider community. County level actions are now supported through a European Investment Bank €10m annual investment programme for sustainable energy actions. The Elected Members, supported by the Council’s forward planning section, have demonstrated their commitment to the energy transition in many ways, including prioritising the preparation of a Renewable Energy Strategy following establishment of the new Council. This Strategy facilitates a proactive approach to sustainable energy development, while promoting job creation and community involvement in energy infrastructure in local areas.