Lonergan welcomes call for applications under the 2019 Community Involvement Scheme (CIS) for Local Public Roads and Local Improvement Schemes (LIS) for non-Public Roads

Independent County Councillor for the Clonmel/Cahir Borough District, Cllr. Martin Lonergan has in a statement today, welcomed Tipperary County Councils call for applications under the Community Involvement Scheme (CIS) and Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) for 2019.

Commenting on the call, Cllr. Lonergan said, “Tipperary County Council invites applications for the Community Involvement Scheme from groups of local residents. Thisscheme, as in previous years will apply to local public roads of the following types – low traffic volume, minor and cul-de-sac subject to adequate funding been made available. A local financial contribution of 15% of the total estimated cost of the works as determined by the Council’s Engineer is required.  The Council will carry out all of the approved works, subject to availability of Grant funding.

The Local Improvement Scheme was re-introduced in recent years and applies to non-public accommodation roads (farm roads and certain roads serving the public) and bog roads and to undertake minor drainage improvements. The project must be of benefit to agricultural production and benefit two or more parcels of land owned or occupied by different persons or in relation to a bog road, it must serve two or more bog plots used by different persons. The grant covers a percentage of the total cost of the project and is dependent on the details outlined in the application.

Given the success of both schemes in previous years, particularly in the Clonmel and Cahir Areas, it affords the Local Authority to make available monies go further in cooperation with local involvement. Furthermore, this year, applicants who applied in 2018 do not need to re-apply for 2019 and their applications will also be considered.

Both will continue to permit Local Community participation in the repair of local minor roads, repairs which would only be considered towards the end of a County Council’s roads programme, after more heavily trafficked routes had been dealt with. The schemes are and will continue to allow for the improvement of minor roads that ordinarily wouldn’t be undertaken, and will further enhance our rural and minor roads network. Further information on this year’s scheme and how to apply is available from me or the County Council directly. The closing date for receipt of forms will be Thursday, 31 January, 2018 at 12 noon and ALL FORMS must be returned to the Roads Department, Civic Offices, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary,” Councillor Lonergan concluded.

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