Upcoming Events at South Tipperary Arts Centre

Title                      Santa’s Crafty Lab

Date                     Saturday 1st December & Saturday 8th December

Time                     3-5pm

Venue                  South Tipperary Arts Centre, Nelson St, Clonmel

Admission          €15

About                  Children will engage in the awesome world of science with these seasonal STEM workshops run by Planet Science Kidz


Title                      Remnants

Date                     Friday 30th November – 26th January

Time                     10-5pm, Monday to Saturday

Venue                  South Tipperary Arts Centre, Nelson St, Clonmel

Admission          Free

About                  An exhibition of paintings, curated by John Kennedy, with work by Colin Crotty, Sheenagh Geoghegan, John Kennedy, Maurice Caplice, Glenn Fitzgerald, and John O’Dwyer



Title                      Arts Centre staff winter exhibition

Date                     Friday 30th November – 21st December

Time                     10-5pm, Monday to Saturday

Venue                  South Tipperary Arts Centre, Nelson St, Clonmel

Admission          Free

About                  Artwork by Arts Centre staff members Elizabeth Bartley, Tim Davis, Sally Fennessy, Darren Powell and Alan Wells



Title                      Wintersong by Tonos

Date                     Friday 7th December

Time                     8pm

Venue                  The Main Guard, Sarsfield St, Clonmel

Admission          €10 (€5 concession)

About                  A concert of Christmas music of the 16–18th centuries for Voice, Lute, Renaissance and Baroque Guitars. Proud to be supported by the Arts Council of Ireland.


Title                      Spoken Word event

Date                     Friday 14th December

Time                     7.45pm

Venue                  South Tipperary Arts Centre, Nelson St, Clonmel

Admission          Free

About                  Sit, relax, listen to the hum of old favourites and original writing. A feast for the senses to renew your spirit to share ‘tidings of great joy’. Refreshments served.


Title                      Wreaths and Stars Workshop

Date                     Saturday 15th December

Time                     11-1pm

Venue                  South Tipperary Arts Centre, Nelson St, Clonmel

Admission          €5 (€3 concession)

About                   Join Elke Wilson and team with this workshop for families – and anyone who has ‘Christmas in their heart’! You can make a lovely, crafty Advent wreath or a handmade Christmas Star decoration



Title                      Sensory Santa’s Grotto

Date                     Saturday 22nd December

Time                     11-3pm

Venue                  South Tipperary Arts Centre, Nelson St, Clonmel

Admission          Free (booking required)

About                   Sensory Santa is designed for children with sensory needs. Experience that important visit in a quiet, non-threatening environment.



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