Ifac welcomes reintroduction of the Organic Farming Scheme

ifac, the farming, food and agribusiness professional services firm, have welcomed the announcement that the Organic Farming Scheme (OFS) had reopened. The OFS is a scheme under Ireland’s Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 to support organic production on Irish farms.

The Organic Farming Scheme is a measure rolled out by the Department of Agriculture under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. Farmers are given the opportunity to enter into a contract which give payments of up to €200 per hectare a year during the conversion period and up to €170 per hectare when full organic status has been reached. The scheme is co-funded by the European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

Sean O’Donnell, Partner at Ifac Tipperary said, “We welcome the reintroduction of the Organic Farming Scheme, it is a key support measure to help farmers convert to organic farming and help farmers break into the growing organic market in Ireland. Re-opening this scheme is a huge reassurance that the Department is still behind and supporting the sector”.

Closing date for applications is Wednesday 19th December details of terms and conditions are available on the Department’s organics page at https://www.agriculture.gov.ie/farmingsectors/organicfarming/organicsscheme/organicfarmingscheme/

ifac is over 40 years in operation with 30 branches nationwide providing advice to agribusinesses and the farming community on tax, accountancy, pension planning, succession planning and other areas to help clients across the supply chain develop a profitable and sustainable business.

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