IFA Seeks Stronger Garda Presence Following Attacks In North Dublin

IFA Deputy President Richard Kennedy has described the unprovoked and violent attack on a farmer in north Dublin as disgraceful and very worrying. He said that the victim could have been seriously injured or killed.

He said, “The hunting of hares is illegal under the Wildlife Act and gangs with their dogs are trespassing on farmlands across the country and when approached by farmers and land owners are met with hostility and in some cases violence.  They worry livestock, damage fences and leave gates open and animals distressed. This is the third such serious attack in the past year in north Dublin”.

Last August a farmer in St. Margaret’s discovered men illegally dumping on his land went to ring the Gardai, but was run over by the van as they struck the gate.  Luckily, he was discovered by a neighbour and spent a period of time in hospital with two broken legs and a broken collar bone.

Some months later in the same area another well-known farmer approached men with dogs on his land and he was also assaulted and threatened at knifepoint.

Gardai are investigating all incidents.

IFA has been proactive in the fight against rural crime and is calling for greater Garda presence in the troubled areas of North County Dublin and across all rural communities.

IFA Deputy President Richard Kennedy says that ‘Lurching’ or ‘Hare Coursing’ by various groups must be targeted by Gardai in a unified approach across all divisions. He also says that when the Gardai successfully prosecute these cases, the courts must be seen to make it a deterrent for others.

IFA will be calling a public meeting for the North Dublin community of Fingal in an effort to stop these lawless actions.


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