Cappawhite Wind Farm Community Fund Announces Application Deadline Extension

Cappawhite Wind Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ESB, is pleased to announce an deadline extension for communities interested in applying for funding from the wind farm’s associated community fund. The fund opened Monday 8 January, and will now remain open until Monday 30 April at 5pm.

We welcome the applications received so far and we’d like to invite local community and voluntary groups to attend an upcoming workshop on the Cappawhite Wind Farm Community Fund. This event takes place on Wednesday, 21 March at the Cappawhite Resource Centre from 7pm. The event will provide these groups with important information in relation to the fund application process, as well as a chance to generate and build upon project ideas.

The community fund initiative aims to provide financial support to local community and voluntary organisations in proximity (8km) of the wind farm, to the cumulative value of €1.8 million for the operational life of the wind farm, helping them to deliver beneficial projects and initiatives which fall within one or more of our broad themes:

  • Education and Skills
  • Health, Safety and Wellbeing
  • Environment and Habitat Conservation
  • Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
  • Culture and Heritage
  • Recreation, Sport and Social Inclusion

For further information on the community fund and to apply for funding, please visit:

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