Large Donation To Newport Community First Responders

A €5,000 charitable donation will allow The Newport Community First Responders to purchase their first two automated external defibrillators and heated cabinets, saving dozens more lives in the local community.

eir, Ireland’s largest telecommunications company, has awarded the money to Newport Community First Responders through the eir Fund, eir’s Corporate Social Responsibility investment programme. The donation from eir will also help the group to have its responders become Irish Heart Foundation certified trainers. This will assist in allowing Newport CFR to roll out its ‘Project Saving Lives’, thereby making an enormous difference to the likelihood of saving someone’s life in the event of a cardiac arrest.

Large Donation To Newport Community First Responders

Newport First Responders

Newport CFR is a voluntary organisation of trained First Responders who respond to emergency calls in conjunction with the National Ambulance Service. Since its establishment in 2015, the Newport CFR has responded to forty-six incidents and currently has twenty-six volunteer responders in the 5km radius of Newport town.

Currently, cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in Ireland, accounting for 33% of all deaths – early response is essential in helping to save lives. The Newport CFR’s slights are set high with the aim of training one member of every household in Newport by 2020. Over time, they plan to expand Newport Community First Responder’s role from primarily first-aid driven to encompass health promotion and preventing cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Claire Armstrong, Chairperson of Newport Community First Responders commented, “We are extremely grateful to eir for choosing to support ‘Project Saving Lives’ in Newport. This money will allow us to purchase two public access AEDs (automatic external defibrillators) and place them in prominent positions within the town. As such, this will greatly increase the likelihood of saving someone’s life in Newport in the event of a cardiac arrest.”

Michelle Toner, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, eir: “The volunteers of Newport Community First Responders carry out an incredibly important service in their community. They are often the first on the scene when a cardiac arrest occurs and they have educated hundreds of children in life saving CPR skills. With this new equipment and training that vital service will continue to grow, helping many more people and we are proud to help ‘Project Saving Lives’ through the eir Fund.”

As a direct result of the eir Fund, €160,000 will be invested into charitable organisations across Ireland, each year up until 2019. For more information, or to submit a case to the eir Fund just email

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