Aglish Is Being Left To Fend For Itself – Seamie Morris
I want to bring you up to date on the main subjects and action points from last nights Public Meeting in Aglish .
There was a general belief that Aglish was being left to fend for itself particularly since the amalgamation , closure of the area office in Borrisokane and the fact that Lower Ormond was jettisoned into South Offaly for the General Election . It was hard to argue against their sense of abandonment when we saw some of the issues .1/ The playground grass has been left uncut for months now and needs to be maintained regularly as it is a huge asset for the community
2/ Fortmoy cross is a known accident black spot and unfortunately claimed its third victim recently and to be honest i was shocked that the cross was left in such a poor state with the accident black spot sign totally overgrown by trees / ditch. The cross is in need of an immediate visit by the engineer to see if we can totally redesign the cross to make it safer ( low cost safety scheme perhaps) The committee would be willing to meet with Peter at the cross and indeed any other place that that was the subject of last night meeting
3/ Speed control in the village where there are schools and churches
4/ The state of the roads circling the village from Munnia ( hump on road seriously damaging the engine blocks of cars ) Lackabrack, Munlusk (which saw an attempted drive by last minute face saving patching yesterday with grave been put in holes), loneska , Lisduff and Ballycormack . We need a masterplan of action to address the state of these roads some of whom have not been attended to in 26 years . The opening of inlets is a must before we get heavy rain as the roads will be washed away . Can we see if some of them can be put in for storm damage as some of them lie below the land and suffer constant flooding
5/ The committee are looking for a meeting with the Municipal council .