Tipperary Happy Heart Volunteers Are Real Heart Heroes In The Fight Against Heart Disease And Stroke, Says Irish Heart Foundation

Heart Foundation in Tipperary for this year’s Happy Heart Appeal sponsored by Abbott and volunteer a few hours of your time to sell Happy Heart pins on-street and raise much-needed funds.

Shockingly, every single day in Ireland 27 people are losing their lives to heart disease and stroke and some 300 new cases are diagnosed daily – yet 80% of these deaths are completely preventable.

“Prevention is crucial to stop this disease in its tracks and save lives,”

is the message from Irish Heart Foundation Medical Director and cardiologist Dr Angie Brown ahead of this year’s Happy Heart Appeal.

Dr Brown continued: “It is well known by medical professionals that heart disease and stroke remains the number one killer in Ireland – despite a significant reduction in morbidity and mortality in the last 35 years.

“The harsh reality is that every hour someone in Ireland suffers from a stroke and every day, hundreds of Irish people – people we all know – are diagnosed with heart disease. Too often the lives of the people we love are cut tragically short or many are left disabled. It shouldn’t be this way.

“The good news is that 80% of this disease is preventable – and the Irish Heart Foundation is here to help. We need increased awareness of heart disease and stroke prevention and symptoms. We’re here to ensure people affected by this disease get access to support they need, when they need it.”

Every €3 donation the Irish Heart Foundation receives as a result of big-hearted volunteers in CountyTipperary selling the iconic Happy Heart pins on May 5&6, will drive prevention so that Irish families in every community in Ireland can live longer and healthier lives.

“Volunteering for the Happy Heart Appeal is one way we can all help people to live fuller, healthier lives in Ireland,” said Director of Abbott, John Kilcoyne. “That’s why Abbott colleagues across the country are supporting the Irish Heart Foundation’s efforts. In addition to funding support from Abbott, teams of employee volunteers at each of our 12 sites are working in their local communities to raise awareness of cardiovascular health, whilst also raising additional vital funds for the Happy Heart Appeal 2016. We urge people to get involved in their own communities to help advance the Irish Heart Foundation’s important work.

“In Ireland, Abbott employs almost 3,000 people dedicated to helping people live their best possible life through the power of health. Abbott serves the Irish market with a diverse range of healthcare solutions, including products that support the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease.”

According to the national charity, its work cannot happen without the support of volunteers and the donations they collect. With your help:

  • WE CAN prevent childhood obesity as we teach more children to be active and healthy in our schools
  • WE CAN prevent sudden death by training 55,000 people this year in lifesaving CPR
  • WE CAN care for those living with stroke or heart conditions with the best nurse advice, information and support groups
  • WE CAN pioneer new treatments and breakthroughs through our research programme
  • WE CAN campaign and work with government to promote better public health so that this disease becomes a thing of the past.
  • WE CAN help children and adults in every corner of Ireland live longer, healthier lives.


With the public’s generous donations and continuing support, we are working steadfastly to provide the best care and support to those affected by these illnesses and to prevent unnecessary anguish for families across the country through increased support group networks and expanded helpline and information services.

Volunteer today

To register your interest as a volunteer for the Happy Heart Appeal on May 5&6, call Anne Harrington at the Irish Heart Foundation on 01-6685001 or email happyheart@irishheart.ie.

The Happy Heart Appeal is supported by Abbott and it is the Irish Heart Foundation’s flagship national fundraising event. A virtual red army of volunteers around the country will take to the streets and shopping centres of Ireland selling happy heart badges at €3 a piece on Thursday and Friday, May 5&6.

The Irish Heart Foundation is your national charity fighting heart disease and stroke through care, prevention and research.

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