Icarus Theatre Collective brings a World Premiere to Thurles

Icarus Theatre Collective presents

H.P. Lovecraft’s

At the Mountains of Madness


Icarus Theatre Collective brings a World Premiere to Thurles, the first theatre adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s chilling masterpiece At the Mountains of Madness.

HP Lovecraft, the master of the macabre, is pop culture deity.  His Cthulhu mythos has become the inspiration of countless writers, filmmakers, painters, animators, comic artists, and even philosophers.

Long acknowledged as a master of nightmarish vision, Lovecraft established the genuineness and dignity of his own pioneering fiction in 1931 with his quintessential work of supernatural horror, At the Mountains of Madness – the deliberately told and increasingly chilling recollection of an Antarctic expedition’s uncanny discoveries and their encounter with an untold menace in the ruins of a lost civilization is a milestone of macabre literature.

For nearly a century, this cornerstone of weird fiction has thrilled readers with its tale of a disastrous expedition to Antarctica, and the awful implications of what was discovered.

Explorer William Dyer is brought vividly to life by Icarus Theatre’s Tim Hardy as the leader of the ill-fated expedition, trapped and tormented by visions of what he saw.

What audiences are saying;

Atmospheric, chilling drama. Superb acting.

Compelling story-telling with images that stay with you for long after

A most engaging and entertaining performance, with a remarkable emotional  range  displayed. Bravo.


H.P. Lovecraft’s

At the Mountains of Madness

The Source Arts Centre Thurles

Saturday 16 April @ 8pm



For all bookings and enquiries  ring 0504-90204 Tuesday to Friday 10am to 5pm, Saturday 2-5pm or book online at  www.thesourceartscentre.ie

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