Black Sack Brigade Rewrite Proclamation to Enable Illegal Dumping

A new group called ‘Rubbish-Free in 3’, which is campaigning on the problem of illegal dumping in Ireland, has warned that we becoming ‘The Irish Republic of illegal dumping’. 

Press Relations Officer for the group, David Maher, explains “The scale of the illegal dumping problem, particularly in rural Ireland, is simply enormous. The problem is that 100,000s of houses and businesses across the country have not signed up to any refuse collection service and unfortunately a very large amount of this is being illegally dumped on an almost industrial scale on roadsides, woods, canals and rivers.”

Maher Continued “Many people within this country seem determined to create their own rules, a sort of Republic of dumping, where illegal dumping of their waste is deemed acceptable”. To highlight the issue and mindset of those who engage in illegal dumping, the group has redrafted the the 1916 Proclamation (see below), under the title ‘IRISH REPUBLIC OF ILLEGAL DUMPING’. Maher explains “It is now almost 100 years since the original Proclamation, and we wanted to contrast the lofty aspirations of founding fathers of our state – to the selfish and irresponsible actions of those who are seeking to destroy our natural environment simply to save themselves paying for a waste collection service.” The redrafted Proclamation proclaims there right of Irish People to ‘leave our rubbish anywhere we please’ and allow our dumping to ‘shock our gallant tourists from Europe’ and is signed off by ‘Lazy McFilthy, Leader of the Black Sack Brigade’.

A tongue in cheek video has been produced and published on the Rubbish Free in 3 Facebook page with David Maher reading the ‘new proclamation’

Maher explains “We end the new proclamation by asking the question ‘Prefer a Different Vision of Our Republic ? – visit’, which is really saying to the Irish public, we don’t have to accept the current state of affairs – we can demand that every citizen has the right to live in an environment free of litter and illegal dumping. We created the website to highlight both the issue of illegal dumping and steps necessary to tackle it.  We have laid out a 3 point which if implemented could eliminate this problem within 3 years – see

Maher concludes “Hopefully our campaign will create the public awareness and political will to tackle one of the great national issues of our day.”

Tidy Towns Grants Scheme 2016

In related news, applications are invited from Tidy Towns/Community Groups, under the Tidy Towns Grants Scheme for projects/work carried out in 2016, which will enhance the appearance of the local area/ village/town. click here for more info

THE-PROCLAMATION_illegal dumping

Contact: David Maher Press Relations Officer is David Maher  086 3475357

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