Cashel Union Of Parishes Seeks Help For Refugees In War Torn Countries

The Churches in the Cashel Union of Parishes (Church of Ireland) are involved in providing refuge support to provide children’s “gifts” of coats, fleeces, gloves, scarves, hats, toiletries and soft toys etc. which, once collected, will then be distributed by a specific support agency to help children caught up in the refugee crisis in places like Syria to keep warm this winter.
 The project will run until to Saturday 12th December, Every Friday and Saturday from   11.00am – 1.00pm people are invited to deposit their gift in to Church House, 4 John Street, Tipperary Town. These will then be distributed in time for Christmas. Items can be left in other churches of our Union on a Sunday if you would like to share in this project but can’t get to Tipperary on the days the house is open. Please spread the news of this initiative.

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