Juncker Commission Adopts Second Annual Work Programme
During their weekly meeting today, the College of Commissioners adopted the Work Programme for 2016.The 2016 Work Programme will deliver 23 key initiatives across the 10 political priorities, 20 intended withdrawals or modifications of pending proposals and 40 REFIT actions to review the quality of existing EU legislation.
The 2016 Work Programme will deliver substantive legislative proposals to follow up on the strategic programmes adopted in 2015.
The new initiatives which the Commission will deliver in 2016 include:
- Initiatives on Better Migration Management, and proposals on Border Management
- Implementation of the Digital Single Market, Follow-up to the Single Market Strategy, a Space Strategy for Europe, and a European Defence Action Plan
- A Circular Economy, Next Steps for a Sustainable European Future, and legislation to implement the Energy Union
- A New Skills Agenda for Europe, a New Start for Working Parents, and a Pillar of Social Rights as part of a deepening of Economic and Monetary Union
- A Corporate Tax package and an Action Plan on VAT
Other key initiatives for 2016 will implement the European Security Agenda, follow up on the Trade and Investment Strategy and the Five Presidents’ Report on Deepening Economic and Monetary Union, and provide the Commission’s contribution to the Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy.
The Commission will also present the mid-term review of the Multi-Annual Financial Framework and a strategy to better focus the budget on results.
The Commission’s preparation of the 2016 Work Programme has been enriched by consultations with the European Parliament and Council based on the Letter of Intent sent by President Juncker and First Vice-President Timmermans on 9 September after the State of the European Union address.
The Commission is clearly presenting in its Work Programme the priority files where it wants the co-legislators to make the fastest progress and deliver quick results for Europe’s citizens.