IFA Supports Campaign To Increase Awareness Of Mouth Cancer

IFA Farm Family & Social Affairs Chairperson, Maura Canning is encouraging farmers to go visit their doctor or dentist as part of Mouth Cancer Awareness Day, today (16th September). She said that mouth cancer kills more people in Ireland than skin cancer but is not as well known to people.


“IFA supports Mouth Cancer Awareness Day, which this year is focussed on increasing awareness of the disease and the risks among farmers”, said Mrs. Canning.  “Approximately two people per week die from mouth or pharynx cancer in Ireland and early detection is so important to increase people’s survival rate”.


According to the National Cancer Registry in Ireland approximately 50% of all mouth cancers are diagnosed at an advanced stage. So if you are suffering from mount ulcers that will not heal, have a neck or mouth lump or persistent sore throats it is recommended that you make an appointment to see your doctor or dentist.


“Farmers who smoke and drink are at a greater risk of getting oral cancer, also excessive sunshine can increase the risk”, said Mrs Canning. “But the message from the awareness campaign is that early detection can greatly enhance the chances of a positive outcome. So I would encourage all farmers, particularly farmers who have not visited their doctor or dentist in a while, to make an appointment today and get a check-up”.

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