Bringing Entrepreneurial Skills Into The Workplace

Course offers a unique opportunity for public, voluntary and social enterprise staff, employees and volunteers to explore their potential to behave more entrepreneurially and effectively within their organisation, club, society or group

Tipperary County Council (TCC) and Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) are hosting a unique one day FREE Entrepreneurial & Innovative Skills Training Programme on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 as part of the EU part-funded “FIERE” (Furthering Innovative Entrepreneurial Regions in Europe) project.

This one day programme is aimed at supporting the development of entrepreneurial and innovative skills and attributes of policy makers, managers, administrators, enterprise development officers, community leaders and developers, founders of community and social enterprises and organisers/managers of local community entities.

This programme is a pilot initiative resulting from the work undertaken to date by all the European partners in the “FIERE” project. It is being run in six countries: Greece, Iceland, Bulgaria, Portugal, Italy and Ireland.

Participants will learn about creativity and innovation, resilience and leadership as well as analytical thinking and resourcefulness.

“It’s about getting people in these sectors to do more with the resource that they currently have: to think innovatively, creatively and to be more resourceful,” explains Dr Valerie Brett, of WIT’s Centre for Enterprise Development and Regional Economy.

This is a unique opportunity for public, voluntary and social enterprise staff, employees and volunteers to explore their potential to behave more entrepreneurially and effectively within their organisation, club, society or group.

This pilot Skills Training Programme will focus on the following areas:

Creativity and Innovation: Evaluate the potential for personal creative behaviour/opportunity seeking in the organisational setting. Explore how to enhance individual creativity within the organisational setting. Explain the significance of creativity and innovation for the quality of the services provided by the participant’s organisation and explore different techniques for enhancing the level of creativity and innovation in the participant’s organisation.

Resilience and Leadership: Evaluate the potential for personal resilience and leadership in the organisation. Understand the difference between holding a leadership positon and displaying leadership behaviour. Discuss and reflect on the concept of leadership and resilience, including its meaning and role in the participant’s organisation. Explore the significance of leadership and resilience for the quality of the services provided by the organisation.

Analytical Thinking and Resourcefulness: Evaluate the level and ability of analytical thinking and resourcefulness and explore that potential within the participant’s organisation. Explore the significance of analytical thinking and resourcefulness for the quality of the services provided by your organisation. Evaluate different techniques for enhancing the level of analytical thinking and resourcefulness in the organisation.

As places on this pilot one day programme are limited, please register your interest with Angela Sheehan, TCC at or Dr. Valerie Brett, WIT at  as soon as possible.

Venue: ArcLabs Research & Innovation Centre, Carriganore Campus, WIT.

Date: Tuesday, 29 September 2015.

See for further information on the project.

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