Fianna Fáil add 2 Candidates in Tipperary

Fianna Fáil have now added Cllr Michael Smith(Roscrea) and Cllr Siobhán Ambrose (Clonmel)

FF now have 3 candidates-Jackie Cahill (Thurles), Michael Smith(Roscrea) , Siobán Ambrose(Clonmel). It has no sitting TD.

There are 6 other sitting TDs for 5 seats!

SF recently selected Cllr Seamus Morris(Nenagh).

The portion of Co Tipperary North of Nenagh up to Portumna bridge is now gone into Co Offally constituency.  In addition a significant number of people from the old Tipperary South Riding Co Council Area which were in the old North Tipp Dáil constituency will now have the option to vote for South Tipperary based General Election Candidates.

Candidates  Declared

Ambrose, Siobhán Cllr   (FF)     Clonmel

Cahill, Jackie                  (FF)        Thurles

Coonan Noel TD            (FG)       Roscrea

Hayes Tom   Minister   (FG)       Cashel

Healy Seamus TD          (WUA)    Clonmel

Kelly Alan   Minister      (Lab)     Nenagh

Lowry Michael TD         (IND)    Holycross, Thurles

McGrath Mattie TD        (IND)   Newcastle, Cahir

Morris Seamus Cllr           (SF)     Nenagh

Smith Michael  Cllr            (FF)    Clonakenny, Roscrea

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