Irish Guide Dogs Looking for Puppy Foster Families in Munster

How would you like to spend your time taking care of a puppy in your home in order to help Irish Guide Dogs provide its much-needed training services?

Irish Guide Dogs is urgently looking for volunteer puppy walkers in the Munster area.

As a puppy walker you will foster and socialise the pup from 6 weeks to 12-14 months. The puppy must be allowed to sleep in your home and all training equipment and food will be provided by Irish Guide Dogs. You’ll also get regular training classes and support from your puppy walking supervisor.

Norin and Karen Smyth with Puppy Walking Supervisor Stephen

Norin and Karen Smyth with Puppy Walking Supervisor Stephen

For a prospective Guide Dog or Assistance Dog, puppy walking is very much an important part of the training and you will be supporting the charity’s essential work for people with vision impairments and children with autism.

The essential requirements are there must be an adult at home full-time and puppies can’t be placed in homes where there are children under the age of five.To find out more or to apply online, lo-call 1850 506 300 or go to

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