Have your say in the future economic and the local and community development of County Tipperary
Meetings are being organised right across county Tipperary to get opinions and views of the community and business sectors about the priorities, projects and initiatives that they would like to see included in the Local Economic and Community Plan. The purpose of the plan to set out the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic development and the local and community development in the county.
Full participation by community, social and economic interests will result in a strong plan that reflects the real need and priorities of the people of County Tipperary so make sure your views are heard early in the process by attending the consultation meets at one of the following locations.
Monday 26th January The Carraig Hotel, Carrick-on-Suir
Tuesday 27th January Anner Hotel, Thurles
Wednesday 28th January Bru Boru, Cashel
Monday 2nd February Clonmel Park Hotel, Clonmel
Tuesday 3rd February Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh
Funding coming in to the county for the purposes of Community development, Rural Development, Social inclusion or Economic Development will be spend on actions and priorities that have been included in the plan. Therefore it is important that community groups, business interests and individuals attend these consultations so that they can put forward what they feel is a priority for their area.
This round of consultations is just one part of the consultation processes and there will be subsequent opportunities to feed into the process. Already a Socio-Economic Framework is in place. This was developed in conjunction with the state agencies for the purpose of “framing’ the consultation exercise that is taking place within the broader community. The framework document outlines high level objectives under which more specific priories will fit.
The Plan is being put in place by Tipperary County Council on behalf of the Local Community Development Committee which is made up of a number of different state agencies as well as members of the Public Participation Network and Local Development Companies. The Local Economic and Community Plan will be put be finalised in 2015 and will be in place until 2021. The LECP will compliment the County Development Plan which deals with Spatial Planning of the County and will be undergoing its own review shortly.
Further information in relation to the Local Economic and Community Plan is available from the Community & Economic Development Section of Tipperary County Council’s web site www.tipperarycoco.ie or by phone to the Community & Economic Development section at Tel: 0761065000.