Fred & Alice, Love in the time of OCD at The Source Thurles

Fred & Alice    Love in the time of OCD


If you enjoy theatre that tells an everyday story of life and love in a very original and humorous way, then you are really going to enjoy Fred & Alice. It’s a tale of the love found by two people, who have lived outside of general society because of their unique ways of interacting with the world.


Sometimes it’s not easy to get by in this crazy old world is it? But Fred & Alice have discovered that all you really need are two tennis rackets, a freezer full of ready meals and an immature coping strategy. Fred & Alice first met in the home. It wasn’t really a home but Fred always called it a home because that was where he lived, and if you are not living at home then where are you? It was love at first sight for Alice. Fred didn’t talk to her again for years but then eventually Fred got used to her and it was love at first sight for him too.

Fred  Alice The Look of Love

This play is funny, warm, touching, witty and emotional with fantastic choreography and two amazing actors. You will feel happy, uplifted, tingly, charmed, maybe even emotional and moved by the experience.  You will laugh and you will be challenged. And you may just fall in love with Fred & Alice. We all are in need of a little bit of love!


You will be charmed by this show that comes to Thurles as part of an Arts Council supported national tour. Starring Ciaran Bermingham and Kilmallock native Cora Fenton. Directed by John Sheehy. There will be a casual post show discussion in the bar with the cast, come along and get an insight into the making of this wonderful feel good production.


“a super show”  brilliant” “excellent, funny and moving”
“Outstanding performances and incredible script by John Sheehy. DO NOT MISS IT!!”



The Source Arts Centre Thurles

Thursday 01 May, 8pm

Tickets €14/12



Ring the Box Office on 0504 90204 or go to for more information.

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