Clonoulty Rossmore Vintage Rally 2013
On the 18th August Clonoulty Rossmore Vintage Club will hold their Annual Vintage Rally in Clonoulty by kind permission of Joe and Helen Hamersley. This is our 13th Annual Rally we have raised over €239,500 for the Hospice Movement since ourinception, we have also given 8,500 to other national and local charities. A fun day is guaranteed, all ages are catered for.
There will be live entertainment by local musicians on the day. Also there will be onsite catering and toilet facilities. Bouncy Castles, Fuzz Ball and Bucking Bronco will provide hours of fun and activity. The usual side shows and stalls (Bric a Brac, bicycle obstacle course, pillow fighting etc.) will cater for all tastes and needs.
Another fun item will be the tug of war competition which is a great sport for spectators.
The annual motorcycle run will depart from Simon’s at 2pm (entrance fee €20.00)
There was an increase in the number of cars exhibited on other years last year, the oldest cars therewere a 1918 Ford Model T owned by P.J. Daly, Killea, and a 1920 Humber owned by Michael Ryan, Slatefield.A large number of cars have registered to attend this year and will provide a great opportunity for all car enthusiasts.
The threshing is always a great favourite with the crowd; John Leamy’s, DuallaAllan Bros 1925 Threshing Mill will be at full throttle powered by TJ Donnelly’s, Clonoulty David Brown 950 Implematic. Credit is due to the large number of tractor owners who turn up year after year with their fantastic array of tractor makes and models all in gleaming condition.
Last year Alex Crosse of Donaskeagh had his 1908 Fowel Steam Traction Engine on display which towered over Phil Byrne’s, Kilcash 3”scaleBurrell Miniature Steam Engine,both puffing away happily for the day, hopefully both these will be on display again this year.
Joe Channon of Clonmel given adisplaying on how a horse shoe is made and display of hot shoeing a horse.
A focal point on the day will be a number of trade stands, whom we would like to thank for their support.
We would like to thank everyone for their continued support and help without which we wouldn’t be in the position to help the very deserving South Tipperary Hospice Movement.