Tipperary Link 4 Life

Tipperary Link 4 Life is a new initiative developed by the North Tipperary Sports Partnership (NTSP) in association with the HSE and ÁrasFolláin.The Link 4 Life Programme was launched recently by John Treacy CEO Irish Sports Council, Senator Eamonn Coughlan and Minister Alan Kelly TD.

Elaine Cullinan, Sports Coordinator NTSP explains ‘The fundamental objective of Tipperary Link 4 Life is to increase awareness about the benefits of physical activity for both physical and mental well-being.  We aim to educate physical activity and sporting providers about mental well-being and the benefits their groups can provide to the wider community. We also aim to inform the people of North

back row: Marion Hughes (NTSP) Minister Alan Kelly, Phyll Bugler (NTSP) John Hogan (NTSP) Ciaran Lynch (NTSP) Seated: John Treacy (CEO Irish Sports Council) Elaine Cullinan(NTSP) Senator Eamonn Coughla

Tipperary about the physical activity and sporting resources that exist in each community in the region and in doing so connect the physical activity providers with the people of North Tipperary.

Tipperary link 4 Life plans to encourage the people of North Tipperary to be proactive in dealing with and speaking about mental well-being’.

Specifically, Tipperary Link 4 Life will:

•             Provide training including SafeTALK “Suicide Alertness for Everyone” and Peer Support and Self Advocacy to help to educate volunteers about mental well-being.

•             Develop and distribute a Tipperary Link 4 Life brochure containing information about:

o             The benefits of physical activity for mental well-being,

o             Contact details for the people participating in the Tipperary Link 4 Life training and

o             Contact details for important organisations in the area of Mental Health.

The Tipperary Link 4 Life training enables its participants to become:

•             Aware of their own well-being and how to care for and maintain it.

•             Recognise the signs and symptoms of distress in others.

•             Be able to listen and offer support.

•             Understand their own limitations and boundaries.

John Treacy CEO Irish Sports Council commented ‘ The Community is rightly concerned about suicide and other mental health issues. Sport and physical activity is beneficial to every aspect of our health including our emotional well being. It is great to see North Tipperary LSP taking an initiative in this area’

To date, 20 volunteers have completed the SafeTALK “Suicide Alertness for Everyone” training course while 7 have completed the Peer Support & Self Advocacy training. One participant at the Tipperary Link 4 Life training commented

“The training was very interesting and worthwhile. It opened my eyes more to my own life and others.”

All participants have been encouraged to use the skills and information they have learned during their training to improve and inform the policies and procedures of their club and to publicise the message that physical activity can improve your mental well-being and your quality of life.

Tipperary Link 4 Life brochures are available from the North Tipperary Sports Partnership office in Nenagh and all public places. A fact sheet with more detailed information and a case study from the Aras Follain “Positive Living” project is also available from the North Tipperary Sports Partnership office.

North Tipperary Sports Partnership will arrange more Tipperary Link 4 Life training in Thurles, Roscrea and Templemore in the coming months. Keep in touch with all updates by visiting our website www.ntsp.ie regularly or contacting the NTSP office to add your name to our mailing list.






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