Mid Ireland Tourism Chairman talking pigs with local children!!

Last week I believe was Farm Walk Week.  Here at Oldfarm Pork (www.oldfarm.ie), we hadn’t been aware of this until we received a call from Redwood National School asking if the pupils could come visit.  Although most of the children are from farms, they are not familiar with pigs!  So, of course, we said yes.  It was a great way to celebrate Alfie’s recent nomination as Chairperson of Mid-Ireland Tourism (www.midirelandtourism.ie).

Mid-Ireland do their best to encourage school tours to the area, so it was appropriate that the week Alfie was elected Chairperson we should have our local school come visit.

Alfie McCaffrey, Oldfarm Pork and Chairperson Mid-Ireland Tourism with the children from Redwood National School.

The children walked from school with their teacher, Helena and the school secretary, Paula.  While Alfie tried to talk to the kids about what the pigs ate, encouraging them to have a taste of whey and molasses, the children weren’t really interested in the hows, whys and whats of pigs…. to them trying to catch the little pigs was much more fun.  By the way, they didn’t succeed

I am sure they went home from school very tired that day…. but they were also so so covered in mud!  Sorry parents!

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