Frankie Gavin and De Dannan live in Concert in Nenagh

‘Frankie Gavin and De Dannan’ live in Concert at Nenagh Arts Centre, Nenagh
9pm (doors 8pm), Saturday 25 August, Admission: €20

Frankie Gavin is one of the genuine legends of Irish music.

Part of his enduring appeal lies in his astounding technical ability and unceasing quest for innovation – musical pieces more commonly associated with the like of the ‘Beatles’ and George Frideric Handel are now common place in Frankie’s repertoire as an Irish musician.
Most pertinent of all is the knack he has for imparting to his audience his own enthusiasm, the sheer joy, the magic of great music-making.

‘Electrifying’ is an adjective that’s too often used to describe certain performances but this is one instance where it’s absolutely unavoidable.
If you’ve never been lucky enough to see ‘Frankie Gavin & De Dannan’ perform live, prepare to be…Amazed!

Book Online for Frankie Gavin and De Dannan at or Get Tickets at Nenagh Arts Centre, Town Hall, Banba Square!

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