Tipperary Green Business Network Showcase in Cloughjordan 30th June

Tipperary Green Business Network Showcase
GAA Complex, Cloughjordan Saturday 30th of June * 11.00 to 16.30 * FREE
This free event is part of the Totally Tipperary day of the Cloughjordan Festival. It features renowned
broadcaster Duncan Stewart, plus stalls from businesses from across the county, talks from
experts, networking sessions and a ‘greening your business incubator’ which will help local enterprises save
money and protect the environment.
11.00 * Opening
Duncan Stewart opens the Showcase and a chance to browse the stalls of over 40 businesses
11.30 * How to make cost savings in your business?
James Hogan from greenbusiness.ie will outline how businesses can save money and resources
by going green.
12.00 * The Natural Step
John Harrington from RealEyes Sustainability Ltd. outlines the Natural Step framework. RealEyes
works with organisations to help them understand the sustainability opportunity.
12.30 * Retrofit Ireland. The new construction industry
A talk by Peter Kelly of BERTECH for the contractor and consumer that will outline where to start
and how to proceed with a retro fit.
13.00 * New Trends in Green Business
Ben Whelan from Cultivate and Devyn Olsen-Sawyer from NICER Training, who coordinated
Green Works will outline the opportunities and new trends in green business.

14.00 * Green Business Incubator
An innovative process providing support for businesses wanting to green their product or service.
Led by Chris Chapman and Davie Philip
16.00 * Duncan Stewart
Broadcaster Duncan Stewart explains why the green economy makes sense.

16.30 * Ecovillage Tour
Join ecovillage resident Davie Philip and Duncan Stewart on a dynamic tour of the ecovillage site
highlighting the green business elements of Ireland’s leading eco-project.
For further information on the TIPPERARY GREEN BUSINESS NETWORK contact the coordinator on
089-4612710 or by email at cshanahan@ntlp.ie
Find the Network on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TGBN2012

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