Duncan Stewart to speak at Green Business Network Showcase in Cloughjordan

A special event, which is being held in Cloughjordan this month as part of the Totally Tipperary day of Cloughjordan Festival, will promote businesses from Tipperary with a community, ecological or local focus. The showcase event is being organised by the Tipperary Green Business Network and is taking place in the GAA Complex in Cloughjordan on Saturday the 30th of June.


The event will feature talks from experts, networking sessions and a clinic designed to help businesses consider how to save money and increase their market by going green.  Duncan Stewart will explain why the green economy makes sense and will lead a tour of the ecovillage highlighting the green business elements of the world renowned community project. Stalls from businesses and agencies from across the county will also be displaying their products and services. This event, which opens at 10.30am and runs until 4.30pm, is free to the public and along with the many family friendly events taking place in Cloughjordan that day will make a great day out.


Companies using or supplying local produce, providing services to the community or active in the green sector in any way are invited to promote their business at this showcase event. The Tipperary Green Business Network are offering free stalls to highlight your product or service widely for no cost.

The Tipperary Green Business Network was established to take advantage of the emerging green economy, harness its job creation potential, support local businesses in the greening of their product or service, and to help make Tipperary one of Ireland’s greenest counties. Membership of the Network is free and will focus on the following four key sectors: Buildings & Energy, Tourism, Transport and Food & Agriculture.


To book a stall or for further information on the network contact Caroline Shanahan, TIPPERARY GREEN BUSINESS NETWORK Coordinator on 089-4612710 or by email at cshanahan@ntlp.ie

Find the Tipperary Green Business Network on facebook at www.facebook.com/TGBN2012

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