47% of Tipperary parents would like to spend more time reading with their children

Bord Gáis Energy ReadTogether coming to a Tipperary library near you!

Ireland is known as a nation of saints and scholars, but according to a recent survey of over 4,700 Irish parents undertaken by Bord Gáis Energy Book Club we are also a nation of books and reading enthusiasts – especially when our little ones are around!

According to the survey, 42%[1] <#1380af28c0f60eca__ftn1> of parents in Tipperary mostly read to their children before bedtime however 47% would like to spend more time doing this. When asked what kind of books they read, nursery rhymes were first in line followed by funny stories, adventure, fantasy and science fiction.

When it comes to children’s books, the print book is standing strong, with a staggering 97% of respondents preferring to read with printed books – an encouraging result for authors, libraries and publishers alike. In another encouraging statistic, the top three sources of information on children’s books are Tipperary bookshops (70%), online sources (59%) and  Tipperary libraries (41%). These sources are consulted often as 59% of  Tipperary parents give books as gifts regularly to their children.

According to Dr. Eithne Kennedy, Lecturer in Literacy, St. Patrick’s College, “Reading is critical for success in school and in life, permeates much of what we do every day and contributes so much to a child’s development. It opens up new worlds, nourishes imagination, creativity, thinking skills, general knowledge and vocabulary. Shared reading between parent and child is an essential element of making this a reality.”

Celebrating the launch of ReadTogether Niamh Sharkey, Laureate Na nÓg, (Children’s Laureate) added, “I believe that children are never too young to start loving books! Sharing stories and looking at pictures enriches children’s lives and fuels their imagination. Sharing books together encourages lifelong readers.”

Speaking at the launch of the new campaign, Bord Gáis Energy’s Books & Reading Sponsorship Coordinator, Emma Walsh, said, “Irish parents are increasingly active in sharing a passion for books and reading with their children. We want to support families reading together and have developed some really useful tips, posters, recommended reads on our website for parents.

Run in association with the public library service, the Bord Gáis Energy ReadTogether initiative encourages people to enjoy and get the most out of the time they spend reading with their children, grandchildren, nephews and nieces!”, Emma continued.

To download any of the ReadTogether packs, posters and tips for parents visit bordgaisenergybookclub.ie/readtogether http://www.bordgaisenergybookclub.ie/readtogeth….

About Bord Gáis Energy Book Club:

Bordgáisenergybookclub.ie  – Ireland’s largest online book club – is home to almost 15,000 book lovers from all over Ireland who enjoy book news, events, reviews, author interviews and all things books and reading related.

About the Survey:

Research was undertaken amongst 4,700 respondents in partnership with eumom from June 5th until June 11th.

[1] <#1380af28c0f60eca__ftnref1> Bord Gáis Energy Book Club ReadTogether

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