Nenagh Choral Society Stages Les Misérables

On September 28th for 4 nights only Nenagh Choral Society stages possibly one of the greatest musicals ever written ‘Les Misérables’. Staging this show is a long time ambition of the society. Under the production team of Greg Browne, Laura Kearney and Naomi Morrissey the society established a youth academy under which it stages this show and have been granted full performance rights from Josef Weinberger in the UK.
Rehearsals for this full production show began at the beginning of the school holidays and the society experienced a surge in its facebook fans as the younger generation latched onto the idea of being in a great show. Working hard through the summer the cast all of whom are under 19 have had ‘the time of their lives’and as the final weeks unfold they are now perfecting every move and every song.

This epic story recounts the struggle against adversity in 19th century France. Imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread, petty thief Jean Valjean is released from his 19-year term and not only becomes an honest man, but the mayor of a prosperous town and a loving adoptive father – violating his parole in the process. The relentless Inspector Javert, who makes a decent life for Valjean impossible, consequently pursues him. Only years later, after Valjean proves his mettle during a bloody student uprising and saves the life of a young man hopelessly in love with Valjean’s adopted daughter, does the ex-convict finally feel fully redeemed.
Tickets for the show go on sale Saturday 17th September from DK Travel or on 086 3122725. With only 4 shows early booking is advisable. With tickets from €10 for a child and €15 for an adult, Nenagh Choral Society have kept the ticket prices low. ‘Les Misérables’ runs from September 28th – October 1st at St Joseph’s CBS Secondary School Hall at 8pm nightly.
As current members and past members on behalf of the committee we wish to advise that our 2011/12 season is dedicated to the memory of those very close to us that we lost since staging Hot Mikado in March. Rest in peace our good friends.
On behalf of the committee and members we hope you will come along to support this show.

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