Developing The Cloud – How Can a Business Decide on Using the Cloud or Not?

John Rea, Shannon Development, ICS Member with Mary Cleary, Professional Development Manager of Irish Computer Society at the launch of the Mid West Network which took place on 19th May 2011 in University of Limerick.

Cloud Computing, a topic on many people’s minds right now, was the subject of the first Irish Computer Society’s Mid West Network event, held recently at the University of Limerick. Richard Bowden (Cloud Consulting) and Ger Hartnett (Goshido) presented at the packed out event, where they provided IT Professionals with an interactive discussion and technical guide on the Cloud based computing services that are available to support a software development lifecycle.

John Rea, Information Systems Manager with Shannon Development commented on the event afterwards. “It is great to see so many people attending this event; it reflects the strong level of activity in the Mid West with people attending from a wide range of sectors.  I am looking forward to a schedule of similar events from the ICS”, he said.

The ICS Mid West Network is a new arm of the ICS which aims to support, inform and provide professional development for IT professionals in the Mid West. Member benefits include Speaker Events, Workshops, Networking Sessions, Social Events and regular updates on developments within the IT world.

If you are an IT Professional in the area, the ICS is offering 6 months free membership to the Society.  Please visit for further information.

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