Tipperary Bealtaine Festival 2011
The Bealtaine Festival is a National Programme run throughout May each year in association with Age & Opportunity and all over the country older persons groups and individuals are actively involved in Arts events, workshops and activities. The Arts Services of North and South Tipperary County Council together with Tipperary Library Service have once again co-ordinated the Tipperary Bealtaine Festival, celebrating creativity in older age.
This year’s festival will be launched by Award Winning Tipperary Poet, Michael Coady on Thursday 5th May at 2.30pm at Brù Borù Heritage Centre,Cashel. This year’s event will feature a performance by Cashel Community School Choir.
This year the launch day also provides an opportunity to visit Sounds of History, the imaginative audio/visual cultural exhibition at Brú Ború. This stunning subterranean interpretive centre echoes the story of Ireland from ancient times to the present day. The launch is open to the public but booking is essential, please contact the North Tipperary Arts Office at 067 – 44860 to book your place.
The Bealtaine Festival is described by Age and Opportunity as an invitation ‘to try something new, to explore something creative this Bealtaine in recognition of the life enhancing joys of constant learning and our capacity for creativity at all stages of our lives.’ The theme for this year’s festival is “Push the boat out whatever the sea”
In the spirit of this we are encouraging people to experience new art forms, and to try something they may have never done before. Events range from dance workshops to ceramics and from film to visual arts and we hope that by the end of the festival you might have had a chance to discover new skills and talents in the arts……so go on…….push the boat out this May
For further information, please contact:
North Tipperary Arts Office, 067-44860 artsoffice@northtippcoco.ie or www.tipperarynorth.ie/arts ;
Emer O’Brien Library Headquaters, 0504 21555, email eobrien@tipperarylibraries.ie or www.tipperarylibraries.ie
South Tipperary Arts Office, 052 34565, email sally.oleary@southtippcoco.ie or www.southtippcoco.ie
Read the full Bealtaine Festival 2011 brochure in the link below: