Aonach Ar Siul Club Notes
On Sunday 13th February we join with Upperchurch Walking group for a fundraising event in aid of Thando Lwethu childrens home in Khayelitsu Cape Town South Africa.
A native of Two-mile Borris James Hayden has set up a charity cents2 help and all donations will be channelled directly to the home. James is a nephew of Joan Quinn (Upperchurch).There is a choice of three walks on the day using the Knocklough route. The walks are 6km, 10km, 14km. All walks start at 12.30pm from village of Upperchurch. Refreshments will be available prior to walks.
Aonach Ar Siul walkers meet at 11am in Kenyon Street Car Park. Proper walking gear is important.
On Sunday 27th February we visit O’Brien’s Bridge Co Clare.
Walking each Tuesday evening at 7.30pm meet at Tesco car park. Full details on