Aonach Ar Siul
On Sunday October 10th 2010 We visit East Clare Way. With Willie Keane as leader this walk is a five hour 16k circular trek on part of the East Clare Way taking in Slieve Bearnagh, Clares highest mountain. Part of the trek may be strenuous depending on under foot conditions. If conditions are
unfavourable we will do a section of the East Clare Way. Meet at Kenyon St. car park at 11am, Goosers Ballina at 11.30am. Walk starts at Garraunboy Church at 11.40am.
Aonach Ar Siul are taking part in the Healthy Living Expo to be held in the grounds of St. Josephs Hospital on Saturday 16th October, From 10.00am to 4.00pm. Come along and see the activities of the club and our programme of events. Walking each Tuesday evening at 7.30pm from Tesco car park. Dates for your diary 24th Oct. Murroe to Toor.On the week-ending 5/6/7th November Upperchurch Walking Festival. ( Brochure now available ).